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Cool people 🥷🏽
I like to be inspired; to be shown what man is capable of. And these people advertise that well.
Ash Thorp
I know him for creating very realistic+convincing car renders. He's one of the top VFX artists that inspire me.
www.altcinc.comMaxime Heckel
He's a learner. He's a sharer. I follow him for the quality of work and research he puts out.
maximeheckel.comSebastian Lague
His videos are really well put. The time spent in research and development is inspiring. Check out his videos.
youtube.com/@SebastianLaguePaul Henschel
Paul has made tremendous contributions around WebGL/ThreeJS with React. He leads pmnd.rs and his efforts have lowered the barrier into WebGL considerably.
Just like Sebastian, aarthificial also runs a devlog channel and builds cool tools.