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Server adapters ​

You can use Mango with any server of choice. This is possible because the core tries to be agnostic of transport mechanisms or server implementations and uses contexts instead.

This way, servers can form a context, pass it to app.api() and then get a context back. With this result, the server can use it to form a response per its design.

Mango, however, offers server implementations for Express and Bun. But you can be able to implement a server for any Javascript framework. It's actually very easy.

Express ​

For express servers, install @mangobase/express

yarn add express @mangobase/express
yarn add express @mangobase/express

Usage example:

import { App } from 'mangobase'
import expressServer from '@mangobase/express'

const app = new App({})
import { App } from 'mangobase'
import expressServer from '@mangobase/express'

const app = new App({})

Existing projects ​

If you're adding Mangobase to an existing project, or need more control over the express app instance, you can do the following instead:

import { App } from 'mangobase'
import express from 'express'
import { withExpress } from '@mangobase/express'

const app = new App({})
let expressApp = express()

// do stuff with `expressApp` as usual, like add middleware, etc.

expressApp = app.serve(withExpress(expressApp, app))

// do more stuff with `expressApp` ...

import { App } from 'mangobase'
import express from 'express'
import { withExpress } from '@mangobase/express'

const app = new App({})
let expressApp = express()

// do stuff with `expressApp` as usual, like add middleware, etc.

expressApp = app.serve(withExpress(expressApp, app))

// do more stuff with `expressApp` ...


Bun ​

Mango works with bun too.

To use Mango with Bun, install @mangobase/bun

Usage example:

import { App } from 'mangobase'
import { bunServer } from '@mangobase/bun'

const app = new App({})

import { App } from 'mangobase'
import { bunServer } from '@mangobase/bun'

const app = new App({})


Other servers ​

If you're using other frameworks other than express or Bun, you can still use Mango but you'll have to implement an adapter to create and handle contexts for Mangobase App.

This involves only a few lines of code. You can reference the implementation for express here: